


2011年7月9日 — Description: Hi, I am working on an application in which I need to read all records from a mySql table and process them one-by-one.

Fatal error encountered during data read. 原创

2017年12月20日 — 如果你使用release版本,那么是没有zmq.hpp这个文件的。去master中找到zmq.hpp。 将...

Fatal Error Occurs During Data Read in MySQL Exception

2023年5月21日 — Additionally, a MySQL fatal error occurs during the information_schema query, and it is caused by a software connection abort in MySQL and C#.


2018年6月20日 — Hi,. I have a timer which process data from mysql db and it runs for approx 3 min and fails later. below is the exception what i see in ...

MySQL Exception

2010年3月30日 — The result.Read call is where there exception is thrown. It happens randomly (not on the same record or anything). Once it is encountered on the ...

MySQL Fatal error encountered during data read

2022年11月14日 — Hi,. I've created a report that uploads information from a MySQL database. Inside PBI report I join some tables and I append others and in ...


First, which you need to set from your database software (lets you are using MySQL Workbeach), then goto Edit-> Preference-> MySQL Editor-> MySQL Session, and ...


2022年10月26日 — MySQL: Fatal error encountered during data read. · Depends on the imported data size, A lot of consumed memory and disk space · On your machine ...

Why power bi gives the following error

2022年11月2日 — Error] MySQL: Fatal error encountered during data read.. '. Since I am working with json data type, I assume that perheps there is a problem ...